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Nach Datenrettung: Fotos in 160x120, jpg defekt?

Discussion in 'Videobearbeitung, Bildbearbeitung' started by roadwarrior, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. Hallo zusammen,

    nachdem ich meiner Freundin den Computer neu aufgesetzt habe, ist leider aufgefallen, dass sie vergessen hat ihre/unsere Fotos zu sichern.
    Nun konnte ich über einige Tools wieder relativ viele Bilder herstellen. Leider sind davon aber sehr viele jpgs nur in der Auflösung 160x120 vorhanden. Wenn ich diese einfach zoome habe ich auch natürlich nur ein verpixeltes Bild.
    Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen woher diese Bilder kommen sollen, wir haben die nie in der Größe gespeichert. Ich dachte daher, dass es sich vielleicht um eine defekte Datei handelt.

    Ein anderes Problem ist, dass ich bei einigen Bildern zwar die Vorschau einwandfrei sehen kann, das Bild dann geöffnet aber nur zu einem geringen Teil sichtbar ist, der Rest ist grau, rot, blau, was auch immer.

    Könnt ihr mir einen Ratschlag geben was ich bzw. ob ich noch etwas tun kann um die Bilder wieder ansehbar hinzukriegen?

    Vielen Dank

    Ich habe mal das Programm jpegsnoop laufen lassen mit folgendem Code, falls jemand was damit anfangen kann. Das ist von einem Bild in 160x120.
    JPEGsnoop 1.5.2 by Calvin Hass
      Filename: [E:\Downloads\FIL07800.JPG]
      Filesize: [6533] Bytes
    Start Offset: 0x00000000
    *** Marker: SOI (xFFD8) ***
      OFFSET: 0x00000000
    *** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
      Define a Quantization Table.
      OFFSET: 0x00000002
      Table length = 197
      Precision=8 bits
      Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
        DQT, Row #0:   6   4   4   6  10  16  20  24 
        DQT, Row #1:   5   5   6   8  10  23  24  22 
        DQT, Row #2:   6   5   6  10  16  23  28  22 
        DQT, Row #3:   6   7   9  12  20  35  32  25 
        DQT, Row #4:   7   9  15  22  27  44  41  31 
        DQT, Row #5:  10  14  22  26  32  42  45  37 
        DQT, Row #6:  20  26  31  35  41  48  48  40 
        DQT, Row #7:  29  37  38  39  45  40  41  40 
        Approx quality factor = 79.94 (scaling=40.12 variance=1.43)
      Precision=8 bits
      Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
        DQT, Row #0:   7   7  10  19  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #1:   7   8  10  26  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #2:  10  10  22  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #3:  19  26  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #4:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #5:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #6:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #7:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        Approx quality factor = 79.87 (scaling=40.26 variance=0.36)
      Precision=8 bits
      Destination ID=2 (Chrominance)
        DQT, Row #0:   7   7  10  19  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #1:   7   8  10  26  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #2:  10  10  22  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #3:  19  26  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #4:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #5:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #6:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        DQT, Row #7:  40  40  40  40  40  40  40  40 
        Approx quality factor = 79.87 (scaling=40.26 variance=0.36)
    *** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
      OFFSET: 0x000000C9
      Huffman table length = 418
      Destination ID = 0
      Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
        Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 00 
        Codes of length 03 bits (005 total): 01 02 03 04 05 
        Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 06 
        Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 07 
        Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 08 
        Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 09 
        Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 0A 
        Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 0B 
        Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
        Total number of codes: 012
      Expanded Form of Codes:
        Codes of length 02 bits:
          00 = 00 (EOB)                      (Total Len =  2)
        Codes of length 03 bits:
          010 = 01                           (Total Len =  4)
          011 = 02                           (Total Len =  5)
          100 = 03                           (Total Len =  6)
          101 = 04                           (Total Len =  7)
          110 = 05                           (Total Len =  8)
        Codes of length 04 bits:
          1110 = 06                          (Total Len = 10)
        Codes of length 05 bits:
          11110 = 07                         (Total Len = 12)
        Codes of length 06 bits:
          111110 = 08                        (Total Len = 14)
        Codes of length 07 bits:
          1111110 = 09                       (Total Len = 16)
        Codes of length 08 bits:
          11111110 = 0A                      (Total Len = 18)
        Codes of length 09 bits:
          111111110 = 0B                     (Total Len = 20)
      Destination ID = 0
      Class = 1 (AC Table)
        Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 01 02 
        Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03 
        Codes of length 04 bits (003 total): 00 04 11 
        Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 05 12 21 
        Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 31 41 
        Codes of length 07 bits (004 total): 06 13 51 61 
        Codes of length 08 bits (003 total): 07 22 71 
        Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 14 32 81 91 A1 
        Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 08 23 42 B1 C1 
        Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 52 D1 F0 
        Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 24 33 62 72 
        Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 15 bits (001 total): 82 
        Codes of length 16 bits (125 total): 09 0A 16 17 18 19 1A 25 26 27 28 29 2A 34 35 36 
                                             37 38 39 3A 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56 
                                             57 58 59 5A 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76 
                                             77 78 79 7A 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95 
                                             96 97 98 99 9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3 
                                             B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA 
                                             D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 
                                             E8 E9 EA F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA 
        Total number of codes: 162
      Expanded Form of Codes:
        Codes of length 02 bits:
          00 = 01                            (Total Len =  3)
          01 = 02                            (Total Len =  4)
        Codes of length 03 bits:
          100 = 03                           (Total Len =  6)
        Codes of length 04 bits:
          1010 = 00 (EOB)                    (Total Len =  4)
          1011 = 04                          (Total Len =  8)
          1100 = 11                          (Total Len =  5)
        Codes of length 05 bits:
          11010 = 05                         (Total Len = 10)
          11011 = 12                         (Total Len =  7)
          11100 = 21                         (Total Len =  6)
        Codes of length 06 bits:
          111010 = 31                        (Total Len =  7)
          111011 = 41                        (Total Len =  7)
        Codes of length 07 bits:
          1111000 = 06                       (Total Len = 13)
          1111001 = 13                       (Total Len = 10)
          1111010 = 51                       (Total Len =  8)
          1111011 = 61                       (Total Len =  8)
        Codes of length 08 bits:
          11111000 = 07                      (Total Len = 15)
          11111001 = 22                      (Total Len = 10)
          11111010 = 71                      (Total Len =  9)
        Codes of length 09 bits:
          111110110 = 14                     (Total Len = 13)
          111110111 = 32                     (Total Len = 11)
          111111000 = 81                     (Total Len = 10)
          111111001 = 91                     (Total Len = 10)
          111111010 = A1                     (Total Len = 10)
        Codes of length 10 bits:
          1111110110 = 08                    (Total Len = 18)
          1111110111 = 23                    (Total Len = 13)
          1111111000 = 42                    (Total Len = 12)
          1111111001 = B1                    (Total Len = 11)
          1111111010 = C1                    (Total Len = 11)
        Codes of length 11 bits:
          11111110110 = 15                   (Total Len = 16)
          11111110111 = 52                   (Total Len = 13)
          11111111000 = D1                   (Total Len = 12)
          11111111001 = F0 (ZRL)             (Total Len = 11)
        Codes of length 12 bits:
          111111110100 = 24                  (Total Len = 16)
          111111110101 = 33                  (Total Len = 15)
          111111110110 = 62                  (Total Len = 14)
          111111110111 = 72                  (Total Len = 14)
        Codes of length 15 bits:
          111111111000000 = 82               (Total Len = 17)
        Codes of length 16 bits:
          1111111110000010 = 09              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110000011 = 0A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110000100 = 16              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110000101 = 17              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110000110 = 18              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110000111 = 19              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110001000 = 1A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110001001 = 25              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110001010 = 26              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110001011 = 27              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110001100 = 28              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110001101 = 29              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110001110 = 2A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110001111 = 34              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110010000 = 35              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110010001 = 36              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110010010 = 37              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110010011 = 38              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110010100 = 39              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110010101 = 3A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110010110 = 43              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110010111 = 44              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110011000 = 45              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110011001 = 46              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110011010 = 47              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110011011 = 48              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110011100 = 49              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110011101 = 4A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110011110 = 53              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110011111 = 54              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110100000 = 55              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110100001 = 56              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110100010 = 57              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110100011 = 58              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110100100 = 59              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110100101 = 5A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110100110 = 63              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110100111 = 64              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110101000 = 65              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110101001 = 66              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110101010 = 67              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110101011 = 68              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110101100 = 69              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110101101 = 6A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110101110 = 73              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110101111 = 74              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110110000 = 75              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110110001 = 76              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110110010 = 77              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110110011 = 78              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110110100 = 79              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110110101 = 7A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110110110 = 83              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110110111 = 84              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110111000 = 85              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110111001 = 86              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110111010 = 87              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110111011 = 88              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110111100 = 89              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110111101 = 8A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110111110 = 92              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111110111111 = 93              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111000000 = 94              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111000001 = 95              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111000010 = 96              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111000011 = 97              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111000100 = 98              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111000101 = 99              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111000110 = 9A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111000111 = A2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111001000 = A3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111001001 = A4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111001010 = A5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111001011 = A6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111001100 = A7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111001101 = A8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111001110 = A9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111001111 = AA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111010000 = B2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111010001 = B3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111010010 = B4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111010011 = B5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111010100 = B6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111010101 = B7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111010110 = B8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111010111 = B9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111011000 = BA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111011001 = C2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111011010 = C3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111011011 = C4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111011100 = C5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111011101 = C6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111011110 = C7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111011111 = C8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111100000 = C9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111100001 = CA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111100010 = D2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111100011 = D3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111100100 = D4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111100101 = D5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111100110 = D6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111100111 = D7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111101000 = D8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111101001 = D9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111101010 = DA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111101011 = E1              (Total Len = 17)
          1111111111101100 = E2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111101101 = E3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111101110 = E4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111101111 = E5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111110000 = E6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111110001 = E7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111110010 = E8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111110011 = E9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111110100 = EA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111110101 = F1              (Total Len = 17)
          1111111111110110 = F2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111110111 = F3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111111000 = F4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111111001 = F5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111111010 = F6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111111011 = F7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111111100 = F8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111111101 = F9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111111110 = FA              (Total Len = 26)
      Destination ID = 1
      Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
        Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 00 01 02 
        Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03 
        Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 04 
        Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 05 
        Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06 
        Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 07 
        Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 08 
        Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 09 
        Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 0A 
        Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): 0B 
        Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
        Total number of codes: 012
      Expanded Form of Codes:
        Codes of length 02 bits:
          00 = 00 (EOB)                      (Total Len =  2)
          01 = 01                            (Total Len =  3)
          10 = 02                            (Total Len =  4)
        Codes of length 03 bits:
          110 = 03                           (Total Len =  6)
        Codes of length 04 bits:
          1110 = 04                          (Total Len =  8)
        Codes of length 05 bits:
          11110 = 05                         (Total Len = 10)
        Codes of length 06 bits:
          111110 = 06                        (Total Len = 12)
        Codes of length 07 bits:
          1111110 = 07                       (Total Len = 14)
        Codes of length 08 bits:
          11111110 = 08                      (Total Len = 16)
        Codes of length 09 bits:
          111111110 = 09                     (Total Len = 18)
        Codes of length 10 bits:
          1111111110 = 0A                    (Total Len = 20)
        Codes of length 11 bits:
          11111111110 = 0B                   (Total Len = 22)
      Destination ID = 1
      Class = 1 (AC Table)
        Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01 
        Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02 
        Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 03 11 
        Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 04 05 21 31 
        Codes of length 06 bits (004 total): 06 12 41 51 
        Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 07 61 71 
        Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 13 22 32 81 
        Codes of length 09 bits (007 total): 08 14 42 91 A1 B1 C1 
        Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 09 23 33 52 F0 
        Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 62 72 D1 
        Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 0A 16 24 34 
        Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
        Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): E1 
        Codes of length 15 bits (002 total): 25 F1 
        Codes of length 16 bits (119 total): 17 18 19 1A 26 27 28 29 2A 35 36 37 38 39 3A 43 
                                             44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 63 
                                             64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 82 
                                             83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 
                                             9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 
                                             B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA D2 D3 D4 D5 
                                             D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA F2 F3 
                                             F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA 
        Total number of codes: 162
      Expanded Form of Codes:
        Codes of length 02 bits:
          00 = 00 (EOB)                      (Total Len =  2)
          01 = 01                            (Total Len =  3)
        Codes of length 03 bits:
          100 = 02                           (Total Len =  5)
        Codes of length 04 bits:
          1010 = 03                          (Total Len =  7)
          1011 = 11                          (Total Len =  5)
        Codes of length 05 bits:
          11000 = 04                         (Total Len =  9)
          11001 = 05                         (Total Len = 10)
          11010 = 21                         (Total Len =  6)
          11011 = 31                         (Total Len =  6)
        Codes of length 06 bits:
          111000 = 06                        (Total Len = 12)
          111001 = 12                        (Total Len =  8)
          111010 = 41                        (Total Len =  7)
          111011 = 51                        (Total Len =  7)
        Codes of length 07 bits:
          1111000 = 07                       (Total Len = 14)
          1111001 = 61                       (Total Len =  8)
          1111010 = 71                       (Total Len =  8)
        Codes of length 08 bits:
          11110110 = 13                      (Total Len = 11)
          11110111 = 22                      (Total Len = 10)
          11111000 = 32                      (Total Len = 10)
          11111001 = 81                      (Total Len =  9)
        Codes of length 09 bits:
          111110100 = 08                     (Total Len = 17)
          111110101 = 14                     (Total Len = 13)
          111110110 = 42                     (Total Len = 11)
          111110111 = 91                     (Total Len = 10)
          111111000 = A1                     (Total Len = 10)
          111111001 = B1                     (Total Len = 10)
          111111010 = C1                     (Total Len = 10)
        Codes of length 10 bits:
          1111110110 = 09                    (Total Len = 19)
          1111110111 = 23                    (Total Len = 13)
          1111111000 = 33                    (Total Len = 13)
          1111111001 = 52                    (Total Len = 12)
          1111111010 = F0 (ZRL)              (Total Len = 10)
        Codes of length 11 bits:
          11111110110 = 15                   (Total Len = 16)
          11111110111 = 62                   (Total Len = 13)
          11111111000 = 72                   (Total Len = 13)
          11111111001 = D1                   (Total Len = 12)
        Codes of length 12 bits:
          111111110100 = 0A                  (Total Len = 22)
          111111110101 = 16                  (Total Len = 18)
          111111110110 = 24                  (Total Len = 16)
          111111110111 = 34                  (Total Len = 16)
        Codes of length 14 bits:
          11111111100000 = E1                (Total Len = 15)
        Codes of length 15 bits:
          111111111000010 = 25               (Total Len = 20)
          111111111000011 = F1               (Total Len = 16)
        Codes of length 16 bits:
          1111111110001000 = 17              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110001001 = 18              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110001010 = 19              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110001011 = 1A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110001100 = 26              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110001101 = 27              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110001110 = 28              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110001111 = 29              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110010000 = 2A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110010001 = 35              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110010010 = 36              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110010011 = 37              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110010100 = 38              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110010101 = 39              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110010110 = 3A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110010111 = 43              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110011000 = 44              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110011001 = 45              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110011010 = 46              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110011011 = 47              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110011100 = 48              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110011101 = 49              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110011110 = 4A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110011111 = 53              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110100000 = 54              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110100001 = 55              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110100010 = 56              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110100011 = 57              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110100100 = 58              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110100101 = 59              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110100110 = 5A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110100111 = 63              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110101000 = 64              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110101001 = 65              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110101010 = 66              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110101011 = 67              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110101100 = 68              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110101101 = 69              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110101110 = 6A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110101111 = 73              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110110000 = 74              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110110001 = 75              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110110010 = 76              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110110011 = 77              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110110100 = 78              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110110101 = 79              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110110110 = 7A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111110110111 = 82              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111110111000 = 83              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111110111001 = 84              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111110111010 = 85              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111110111011 = 86              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111110111100 = 87              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111110111101 = 88              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111110111110 = 89              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111110111111 = 8A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111000000 = 92              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111000001 = 93              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111000010 = 94              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111000011 = 95              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111000100 = 96              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111000101 = 97              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111000110 = 98              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111000111 = 99              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111001000 = 9A              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111001001 = A2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111001010 = A3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111001011 = A4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111001100 = A5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111001101 = A6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111001110 = A7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111001111 = A8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111010000 = A9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111010001 = AA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111010010 = B2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111010011 = B3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111010100 = B4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111010101 = B5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111010110 = B6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111010111 = B7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111011000 = B8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111011001 = B9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111011010 = BA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111011011 = C2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111011100 = C3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111011101 = C4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111011110 = C5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111011111 = C6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111100000 = C7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111100001 = C8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111100010 = C9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111100011 = CA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111100100 = D2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111100101 = D3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111100110 = D4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111100111 = D5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111101000 = D6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111101001 = D7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111101010 = D8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111101011 = D9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111101100 = DA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111101101 = E2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111101110 = E3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111101111 = E4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111110000 = E5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111110001 = E6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111110010 = E7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111110011 = E8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111110100 = E9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111110101 = EA              (Total Len = 26)
          1111111111110110 = F2              (Total Len = 18)
          1111111111110111 = F3              (Total Len = 19)
          1111111111111000 = F4              (Total Len = 20)
          1111111111111001 = F5              (Total Len = 21)
          1111111111111010 = F6              (Total Len = 22)
          1111111111111011 = F7              (Total Len = 23)
          1111111111111100 = F8              (Total Len = 24)
          1111111111111101 = F9              (Total Len = 25)
          1111111111111110 = FA              (Total Len = 26)
    *** Marker: SOF0 (Baseline DCT) (xFFC0) ***
      OFFSET: 0x0000026D
      Frame header length = 17
      Precision = 8
      Number of Lines = 120
      Samples per Line = 160
      Image Size = 160 x 120
      Raw Image Orientation = Landscape
      Number of Img components = 3
        Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x21 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
        Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
        Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
    *** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
      OFFSET: 0x00000280
      Scan header length = 12
      Number of img components = 3
        Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0x00
        Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0x11
        Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0x11
      Spectral selection = 0 .. 63
      Successive approximation = 0x00
    *** Decoding SCAN Data ***
      OFFSET: 0x0000028E
      Scan Decode Mode: No IDCT (DC only)
        NOTE: Low-resolution DC component shown. Can decode full-res with [Options->Scan Segment->Full IDCT]
      Scan Data encountered marker   0xFFD9 @ 0x00001983.0
      Compression stats:
        Compression Ratio:  9.80:1
        Bits per pixel:     2.45:1
      Huffman code histogram stats:
        Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: DC)
          # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 02 bits:        5 (  2%)
          # codes of length 03 bits:      208 ( 69%)
          # codes of length 04 bits:       42 ( 14%)
          # codes of length 05 bits:       40 ( 13%)
          # codes of length 06 bits:        5 (  2%)
          # codes of length 07 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 08 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 09 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 10 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 11 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 12 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 15 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 16 bits:        0 (  0%)
        Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: DC)
          # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 02 bits:      150 ( 50%)
          # codes of length 03 bits:       51 ( 17%)
          # codes of length 04 bits:       46 ( 15%)
          # codes of length 05 bits:       45 ( 15%)
          # codes of length 06 bits:        6 (  2%)
          # codes of length 07 bits:        2 (  1%)
          # codes of length 08 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 09 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 10 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 11 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 12 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 15 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 16 bits:        0 (  0%)
        Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: AC)
          # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 02 bits:     3183 ( 47%)
          # codes of length 03 bits:      845 ( 12%)
          # codes of length 04 bits:     1331 ( 20%)
          # codes of length 05 bits:      652 ( 10%)
          # codes of length 06 bits:      230 (  3%)
          # codes of length 07 bits:      253 (  4%)
          # codes of length 08 bits:       85 (  1%)
          # codes of length 09 bits:      103 (  2%)
          # codes of length 10 bits:       44 (  1%)
          # codes of length 11 bits:       35 (  1%)
          # codes of length 12 bits:        8 (  0%)
          # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 15 bits:        2 (  0%)
          # codes of length 16 bits:        9 (  0%)
        Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: AC)
          # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 02 bits:      729 ( 49%)
          # codes of length 03 bits:      241 ( 16%)
          # codes of length 04 bits:      244 ( 16%)
          # codes of length 05 bits:      124 (  8%)
          # codes of length 06 bits:       93 (  6%)
          # codes of length 07 bits:       15 (  1%)
          # codes of length 08 bits:       20 (  1%)
          # codes of length 09 bits:       14 (  1%)
          # codes of length 10 bits:       13 (  1%)
          # codes of length 11 bits:        2 (  0%)
          # codes of length 12 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 15 bits:        0 (  0%)
          # codes of length 16 bits:        0 (  0%)
      YCC clipping in DC:
        Y  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
        Cb component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
        Cr component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
      RGB clipping in DC:
        R  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
        G  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
        B  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
      Average Pixel Luminance (Y):
        Y=[119] (range: 0..255)
      Brightest Pixel Search:
        YCC=[  810, -126,  161] RGB=[255,220,200] @ MCU[  3,  1]
      Finished Decoding SCAN Data
        Number of RESTART markers decoded: 0
        Next position in scan buffer: Offset 0x00001982.1
    *** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
      OFFSET: 0x00001983
    *** Searching Compression Signatures ***
      Signature:           01A05E3557B786BCF9267EAB607AEE7C
      Signature (Rotated): 010176D29AD13D3FFAC14F0D3932B95E
      File Offset:         0 bytes
      Chroma subsampling:  2x1
      EXIF Make/Model:     NONE
      EXIF Makernotes:     NONE
      EXIF Software:       NONE
      Searching Compression Signatures: (3327 built-in, 0 user(*) )
              EXIF.Make / Software        EXIF.Model                            Quality           Subsamp Match?
              -------------------------   -----------------------------------   ----------------  --------------
         CAM:[NIKON                    ] [E4800                              ] [NORMAL          ] Yes              
         CAM:[OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.    ] [SP310                              ] [                ] Yes              
         CAM:[OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.    ] [SP320                              ] [                ] Yes              
         CAM:[OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD  ] [C2000Z                             ] [                ] Yes              
      Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:
      ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
      This may be a new software editor for the database.
      If this file is processed, and editor doesn't appear in list above,
      PLEASE ADD TO DATABASE with [Tools->Add Camera to DB]
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  2. deoroller

    deoroller Wandelndes Forum

    Wurde c: formatiert oder Windows nur über die alte Installation installiert? Im zweiten Fall wird ein Windows.old Ordner angelegt, in dem persönlichen Daten gespeichert werden von der vorherigen Installation.
  3. Leider worst case: Formatiert und vorher auch die Partitionen neu erstellt.
  4. kalweit

    kalweit Hüter der Glaskugel

    Das werden Vorschau-/Indexbilder des verwendeten Bildbetrachters oder von der Kamera sein. Da das separate Dateien sind, sind die eigentlichen Bilder wohl verloren.
  5. deoroller

    deoroller Wandelndes Forum

    Der PC sollte nicht mehr mit der Platte gebootet werden. Die Datenrettung darf nur noch von externen Bootmedien erfolgen, damit keine Schreibvorgänge mehr auf der Festplatte ausgeführt werden.
    Das sollte auch kein Windows System sein, weil das automatisch des NFTS-Dateisystem vereinnahmt.
    Ich denke da an Testdisk. Was noch nicht überschrieben worden ist, kann noch gerettet werden.
  6. kalweit

    kalweit Hüter der Glaskugel

    Das Fehlerbild liest sich, als ob schon eine Rekonstruktion auf Clusterebene versucht wurde.
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